760 – Professional Development Course Design

Course Description:

This course introduces a practical model for teacher educators concerned with designing courses for in-service teachers and its implementation in their institutions. The course content includes a detailed description of the design context including considerations and theoretical frameworks.

The course also intends to demonstrate how the model works in practice referencing important issues in current teacher education practices and offering suggestions for how this can guide teacher educators’ teaching and research practices.



740 – Essentials of Teacher Training

750 – Syllabus and Materials Design





Requirements for a Certificate:

Minimum attendance requirement is 75% of course events.

Assessed portfolio work for practical tasks like group and individual planning, observation, demonstration, micro-teaching, discussion and feedback sessions.

1000-word end of course Reflective Essay.





Course Outline:

760.01 – ‘Model of teacher change’ Guskey (2002)

760.02 – Designing principles for a professional development course

760.03 – Focusing on content and pedagogy closely linked to practice

760.04 – Aligning with participants’ learning objectives, problems, and personal interests

760.05 – Evidence-based design followed by research

760.06 – Creating room to experiment in practice and research the effects

760.07 – Knowledge of adult learning and experience in teaching

760.08 – Trainers serving as role models

760.09 – Focus on active construction of knowledge and learning together

760.10 – Attention to the student perspectives and student input

760.11 – Considering intensive and extensive programs combined

760.12 – Developing insight into how the course could be further improved