210 – Introduction to Teaching English to Primary


210 – Introduction to Teaching English to Primary

20-hour Online Teacher Development Course

  • on-demand input videos and downloadable resources
  • interactive exercises, tasks for the classroom
  • face-to-face interviews and feedback sessions


20-hour Online Teacher Development Course

Course Description:

The course aims to help participants succeed in setting their primary learners firmly on the path to increasing proficiency, to introduce primary teachers to the basic concepts and principles of professional development and language teaching skills.

The course intends to prepare participants for CTS-Primary and CTS-Secondary courses by ?giving them a taste? of the major areas of professional development and showing ways of making language teaching more skills-based, interactive, learner-centred, and, most importantly, a rewarding experience for both teachers and learners.



The main aims of the course are to:

  • raise the participants? awareness of the specific features of learner-centred teaching
  • model good classroom activities and good practices of planning
  • provide opportunities for participants to share teaching ideas
  • develop participants? language confidence


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